
  • Flexibility

    Working in ProjectDB is like assembling constructor. The program offers a range of objects (table, form, report, action), each playing a particular role in working with data. You can combine objects in a necessary way to create a user interface. ProjectDB provides flexibility to develop an information system of almost any type from a simple telephone directory to an ERP system.

  • Client–server

    ProjectDB serves as an interface, the configuration of the information system itself is stored on the server. All business processes are carried out on the server. Changes made to the configuration of the information system are also applied directly to the server. This allows you to guarantee the integrity of the data, provide a quick display of changes in the project, work on the project in a team and much more.

  • SQL

    ProjectDB works as an extension of DBMS and uses the language of the DBMS itself. This makes database user interface development easier, because no other programming languages are needed. As a result, ProjectDB doesn't impose on its own languages or libraries.

  • Real-time

    ProjectDB allows you to display each change at once, so that you can better figure out and meet the needs of the user and the organization as a whole. In fact, this removes the concept of prototyping when creating an information system, since the result of the work is a functioning information system.

  • Popular DBMS

    ProjectDB can work with most popular commercial and non-commercial DBMS such as Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite. Other DBMS are going to be supported soon.

  • Integration

    Information system developed with ProjectDB can be easily integrated with HTTP-requests, sockets or data export / import to intermediate XLS, XLSX, XML files.

  • Scalability

    Due to client-server model it's server DBMS, not ProjectDB, who is completely responsible for data integrity. As a result ProjectDB works perfectly with any number of users.

  • Openness

    ProjectDB acts like a bridge between data and users. Whenever you need you can access your data stored in a database with any other tool. This enables easy integration of various applications, tools and websites to a unified system.

  • Extensions

    ProjectDB has a number of extensions to automate any action, including receiving and sending emails, downloading and uploading files, sending HTTP-requests and other.

  • Simplicity

    The size of ProjectDB installation package does not exceed 20 megabytes. However, ProjectDB has a wide range of functional capabilities to automate almost any business process.

  • Access Rights

    ProjectDB provides an easy way to set access rights and permissions at various levels of access to an information system from an individual workplace to an entire department.

  • Mobility

    As all the information about the system is stored at the server, a user, administrator or developer can connect to the system from any computer both inside and outside the local area network.

  • Multilingual

    ProjectDB both has multilingual interface and supports multilingual configurations. A mapping table for translation is specified for configuration. When the program is launched it picks up translated text from the table and translates configuration itself in real time. This enables working at one configuration for several languages, thus making development and maintenance easier.

  • Customizable Appearance

    With ProjectDB you can choose theme, skin, icons, font size or even use your own themes.

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